Tag Archives: fxhash

Astronomic Comics – Generative Comic Books

On the most barren hostile worlds in the galaxy there are glimmers of life. An alien species has found a way to thrive by building cities under protective domes. Each page of this 512 page generative comic book documents one … Continue reading

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Divide By Circle – 3D Generative Art

My first 3D generative piece on fxhash is an experiment with subdivision, cubes and a circle. The algorithm uses a special subdivision formula that can force arbitrary cuts like a circle, lines or spiral. There is a mutation system attached … Continue reading

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Gensuzendล – Generative Calligraphy

Hitsuzendล (way of Zen through brush) is believed by Zen Buddhists to be a method of achieving nirvana. This work is my own way of following that practice. This piece combines many techniques to create the shapes, simulate the brushwork, … Continue reading

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Dithered Branches – How My Generative Art Works

This post explains how I made Dithered Branches, a generative art piece that prints a lo-fi sci-fi landscape and applies color to the result. Continue reading

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Broken Flows – Generative Art

Broken Flows is my deep dive into flow fields and even more so paint brushes and color palette generators. This post explains the concept and how it works. Continue reading

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A parallax alien landscape generator featuring mountains, stars, meteors, and suns in about 4k of pure JS. This was my first piece on fxhash. Click to generate a new landscape. See the Pen Aliendscape ๐Ÿช by Frank Force (@KilledByAPixel) on … Continue reading

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