Tag Archives: js1k

How I made a 1K Pinball Game in JavaScript – Lu1ky Pinball

I’ve made quite a few 1k games now, yet I always find room for improvement and there is so much more to explore in this space. For the JS1024 contest this year the theme was Lucky and I made a … Continue reading

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Lu1ky Pinball

My JS1024 game this year is a tiny pinball machine with real physics! See the Pen Lu1ky Pinball ๐Ÿ€ Tiny pinball physics game in 1K of JS by Frank Force (@KilledByAPixel) on CodePen. How to Play Features

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U1KE – A 1 Kilobyte Ukulele

My js1024 entry this year is a ukulele! This is a fully function and realistic simulation of a four string instrument with standard uke tuning. Each string can be fretted individually using the keyboard to produce every open cord and … Continue reading

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Batafuraiko – Winner of JS1024 2021

Itโ€™s official, “Batafuraiko” is the winner of JS1024! This is one of my favorite game jams because the main restriction is the program must be under 1 kilobyte. I had a blast with my entry and learned a few things … Continue reading

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1Keys – How to Make a Piano in only 1kb of JavaScript

The legendary JavaScript competition JS1k was thought to have ended, but it has risen from it’s ashes in the form of JS1024! This competition for making tiny JavaScript programs has been going on for 10 years and will now be … Continue reading

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I made 7 1k JavaScript demos in 2 weeks for JS1k!

For the past month I have been doing a deep dive into making tiny JavaScript programs. It started when I learned the JS1k (JavasScript 1 kilobyte) competition was underway, with the deadline rapidly approaching. I had programmed only a small … Continue reading

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