Tag Archives: sifteo

One Year Going Indie

It’s been a little over a year now since I finished up working on Starhawk for PS3 but it seems like so long ago. Despite being a pretty fun multi-player game it flopped and most of the team was let … Continue reading

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“Squaresville” – EGP Demo

Squaresville is an open world puzzle platformer for Sifteo cubes that I developed for the EGP Sifteo competition. This was a major challenge both optimizing it to run smoothly and also make the design fun to play under extreme limitations. … Continue reading

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“Squaresville” – An open world adventure for Sifteo

This months experimental gameplay project was all about making games for Sifteo Cubes. So far I’ve released 2 prototypes, Peong and Twisteo which gave me a good sense of how to leverage the cubes unique capabilities. For my final concept … Continue reading

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Peong – Part 2

Sifteo cubes are awesome. They are awesome and they are slow. The simple 16×16 cellular automata smoke effect Peong uses was dragging my framerate to the ground. It’s just a 16×16 matrix but the update was eating the bulk of … Continue reading

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“Peong” – Sifteo Pong

I’ve been spending a few days experimenting with Sifteo cubes.  One hand Sifteo has extreme limitations but on the other it has capabilities that no other system does which makes it a fun platform to develop for.  There are not … Continue reading

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“Twisteo” – My First Sifteo Game

This month’s experimental gameplay project is to make a game for Sifteo Cubes, a really cool and unique gaming platform.ย  I was inspired to try playing around with some ideas and spent most of the day implementing a simple puzzle … Continue reading

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