Making Code Happen

Tag: experimental gameplay

  • “Scan Lines” – Ludum Dare 31

    Ludum Dare 31 was last weekend, the theme was “Entire Game on One Screen”. My entry is called “Scan Lines”. This was my 6th official Ludum Dare entry. It placed 47th overall out of 1365 entries and 15th in the innovation category. Postmortem and download after the jump.


  • “Chop Chop” – Barfcade Game Jam

    I made a little game for the Barfcade game jam called “Chop Chop”. It is possibly the most realistic virtual chopstick all you can eat shrimp simulator available! Postmortem and download after the jump.


  • Mother Lover

    For the March/April experimental gameplay project the theme was “Cheap Clone”. I made a game called “Mother Lover” that is a mashup between Metroid and Blaster Master. It is probably the largest and most complete independent effort I’ve released to date. I even made a trailer. More info and download here.


  • Pill Bug

    The theme for May’s experimental gameplay project was “high speed”. My idea was to do a modern re-envisioning of sonic the hedgehog. I got started a little late and this entry is still a work in progress. At this point the level design is still not complete and there is no real end to the…


  • A Stitch In Time

    For this month’s experimental gameplay project I created a rapid prototype involving time travel. The theme was “repetition”. My entry is a hybrid shooter/puzzle called “A Stitch in Time”. You are trapped in a 1 minute long time loop and need to collect all the 30 time shards to save the universe. Return to the…