Tag Archives: game dev

Piroot – An Epic Adventure Game

There’s a new website up for Piroot, the action adventure game that I have been working on for many years. Also, some big news is coming on Pi Day, 3.14!

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Batafuraiko – Winner of JS1024 2021

Itโ€™s official, “Batafuraiko” is the winner of JS1024! This is one of my favorite game jams because the main restriction is the program must be under 1 kilobyte. I had a blast with my entry and learned a few things … Continue reading

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Egg Time Rewind – An egg cracking low res shooter

Time REWINDS you die… but your PREVIOUS LIVES remain. This game was made in 4 days for Nokia 3310 Jam 2 with the limitation of 84×48 resolution and only 2 colors. The them was “Death is Good”. It is written … Continue reading

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Bounce Back: A Boomerang Roguelite for JS13k

When life gets you down, it’s never too late to… A Boomerang Roguelite / Zelda Homage for JS13k. Play it in your web browser! The souce code is also available on GitHub!

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ZzFX – Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth

Major update to ZzFX, my JavaScript sound effect generator! The browser is greatly improved with many more options. You can even download wave files! The micro version is still under 500 bytes. Live Demo: zzfx.3d2k.com GitHub: github.com/KilledByAPixel/ZzFX Here’s the latest … Continue reading

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Frank Engine is Open Source

I have decided to open source my game engine now called “The Frank Engine”. This is the first time I’ve ever released any of my code under an open source license and it feels awesome to finally share what I … Continue reading

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A Stitch In Time – Postmortem

Last month I participated in the 7 day game challenge at the experimental gameplay project. The theme was repetition and I wanted to expand on the concept of replaying the same level while layering ghosts of your previous runs. I … Continue reading

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