Ludum Dare 18 is over. The theme was “Enemies as Weapons”. My entry is called “Protractor”, it’s a katamari shmup!
Competition Entry
- Download newest version:
- I fixed some bugs and made some tweaks. If you aren’t playing for review purposes I recommend the newest version.
- You WILL need latest DirectX! Update DirectX at Microsoft’s website.
- Kill enemies and collect their parts to build.
- Use left mouse to pull parts to you to attach them.
- Colors indicate health level. Purple is super high health, red is about to die.
- Weapons are randomized but also normalized to all have the same DPS. So on average they will cause the same amount of damage over time. Larger bullets represent more damage.
- Try to keep your ship balanced or it will become difficult to control.
- Triangle – Weapon (random but normalized to the same DPS)
- Square – Healer (auto repairs ship and attached parts)
- Pentagon – Speed Booster (increases speed and turn rate)
- Circle – Extender (allows for expansion)
- Left Mouse – Tractor beam
- Spacebar or Right Mouse – Shoot
- Mouse Wheel – Zoom
- WASD – Move your ship
- Alt+Enter – Go fullscreen (recommended)
Saturday Night Progress Report
Core functionality is in. Enemies are composed of parts. Enemies drop parts when they die and player can attach them. Part types are: shooter, engine, healer, and extend. Tomorrow: weapon randomization, better AI, tweaking and game flow.
Sunday Afternoon Progress Report
I finished first playable. All the basics are in. 5 hours left for tweaking and adding more weapons.
Final Report
The name of my entry is “Protractor”. I’m happy with how it turned out. Visually I hit exactly the mark I was going for. I didn’t get much time to play when I was actually working on it but after playing it a bit now I can safely say that it’s pretty fun.
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