Complete Gameography

Here’s a mostly complete list of everything I’ve shipped on in chronological order…

Mainstream Games

These are games released in an official capacity as part of a team and with a publisher.

  • Vicious Circle – 2019
  • Mafia III – 2016
  • DOOM – 2006
  • Starhawk – 2012
  • Red Faction: Guerrilla – 2009
  • Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy – 2004
  • Outlaw Volleyball – 2003
  • Outlaw Golf – 2002
  • Deer Avenger 4 – 2001

Independent Releases

Most of these games and tools were developed solo or in a small group over a short period of time.

  • Egg Time Rewind 13k – 2022 A low fi shooter for JS13k
  • U1K3 – 2022 A realistic ukulele simulator
  • LittleJS – 2021 A tiny, fast, and powerful JavaScript game engine
  • Space Huggers – 2021 A roguelike platformer with destructible environments
  • Batafuraiko – 2021 Retro style shoot-em-up in only 1k of JavaScript.
  • Digilemma – 2021 A Digital Dilemma of Devious Difficulty
  • Lightning Storm – 2021 Tiny storm sim with rain, lightning and sound
  • Os13k – 2020 A fantasy OS and tiny game engine for creative coders.
  • NoteCraft – 2020 A Cellular Automata Music System
  • ZzFXM – 2020 A tiny JavaScript music renderer for ZzFX.
  • 1Keys – 2020 A 1 kilobyte piano, won first place in JS1024
  • Digit Dilemma Plus – 2020 Logic puzzle game with procedural levels
  • Buddhabrot Render – 2020 An HD buddhabrot renderer
  • Hue Jumper – 2020 A 2 Kilobyte 3D racing game in JavaScript
  • Egg Time Rewind – 2020 An procedural shooter in the style of an old Nokia phone
  • ZzArt – 2019 Generative art evolution tool
  • JSONCrush – 2019 URL compressor
  • Bounce Back – 2019 A retro boomerang roguelite adventure
  • Bogus Roads – 2019 Lowrez retrowave racing
  • The Dweetabase – 2019 Archive and browser of tiny JavaScript programs
  • Spendotron – 2019 Arcade twin stick shooter with a twist
  • ZzFX – 2019 Zuper Zmall Zeeded Zound Zynth
  • CapJS – 2019 A live code editor for capturing video.
  • MinBytes – 2019 A byte beat album in 1k
  • Infinite Yin Yangs – 2019 – A yin yang fractal shader in 1k
  • Free Cell 1k – 2019 Freecell solitaire in 1k
  • Queen’s Gambit – 2019 A mashup of Robotron and Chess in 1k
  • The Digit Dilemma – 2019 Fiendishly difficult puzzle game in 1k
  • Tiny Ski JS1k – 2019 JavaScript port of my text skiing game in 1k
  • Tiny Ski – 2019 Tiny text skiing game with C++
  • Business Card FPS – 2019 Tiny fps game in C++
  • Piroot – A loving tribute to adventure games that spans a whole planet
  • Super Aspen – 2017 How long can you escape the growing snowball behind you
  • Marble Maniac – 2016 Procedural generated marble madness style
  • Bulkhead – 2015 A top down action rogue-like with random destructible maps
  • The Monster I Am – 2015 Rampage style city destruction
  • Berry Thorny – 2015 3D endless runner
  • Monster Mart – 2015 Learn how to count money in a grocery store for monsters
  • Scan Lines – 2014 A platformer where the world is being rebuilt one scan line at a time
  • Chop Chop – 2014 All you can eat with chopsticks simulator
  • Self Destruction – 2104 Trapped in a time loop fighting against yourself
  • Wildflower – 2013 Open source game development kit for Sifteo Cubes
  • Squaresville – 2013 Puzzle platformer game for Sifteo cubes
  • Peong– 2013 Two player Sifteo pong game
  • Twisteo – 2013 Rubiks cube style puzzle for Sifteo Cubes
  • Secret Formula – 2013 Swing through a mysterious lab
  • (R, G, B) – 2013 Minimalist platform with experimental lighting
  • Faster Blaster – 2012 Mashup between Metroid and Blaster Master
  • Dark World – 2012 Platformer where you are evil
  • Spacescape – 2011 Escape a self destructing space ship
  • Light the Way – 2011 Guide the creatures to safety by shining your light
  • Pixel Words Game – 2011 Fly through an infinite cascade of fractal crosswords
  • Protractor – 2010 A katamari shoot-em-up
  • Slidoku – 2010 A cross between sudoku and a Rubiks cube
  • A Stitch In Time – 2010 Escape from a one minute time loop
  • Infinite Yin Yangs – 2010 Recursive yin yang screensaver
  • Pixel Words Screensaver – 2009 Fractal words screensaver
  • The Frank Engine – 2009 Opensource game engine for C++
  • Spaghetti Planet – 2009 As a flying spaghetti monster, you must protect the planet
  • Time Field – 2009 Time slows down when you stop shooting
  • Go Bonsai – 2008 Realistic interactive 3D bonsai tree simulation
  • Infinite Slack – 2008 Subgenius screensaver
  • Complements – 2005 Physics based puzzle game
  • Dxetris 2002 – 3D Tetris game

Longform Generative Art

These program generate new art with a different result every time they are run.

Tweet Sized Games

These are games that fit in less then a tweet of code.

TI-82 Games

I released make games for TI-82 games while in high school, but most have been lost over the years. Here are some that are still available…